A Compassionate Approach to Outplacement

Keeping up with trends and changes in the market sometimes means your people will be downsized or laid off. Either way, the people who have helped to build your organization now find themselves on the way out. How do you help your clients approach this new season of their career? You want absolution from a cold process. We help remove the guilt by offering compassionate, personalized outplacement services.

Our three step process includes:


A compassionate approach to outplacement means connecting with people at their pain points. We empathize with where our outplacement clients are emotionally, and help them take stock of what they really want out of life.


Before diving into job-search mode, we help our clients determine what they really want out this career move. They may not have chosen or expected to be in this position of looking for work, but it creates an opportunity to identify what they really want in life. Do you stay in the same industry or finally make the shift you’ve been dreaming about?


Now that our clients feel supported emotionally and have identified what they need in this season, they know what they really want out of this job search process. We help them apply what they’ve learned about themselves at their previous role, and how to apply that learning and self-assessment to their next season of work. Go get that next opportunity!